A funny sort of day . I walked to work in thick snow , looking like a cross between someone going to the North Pole and Eddie the Eagle Edwards. Yes to the hilarity of everyone at work , Iconquered Hanwell with the aid of my walking pole . When Iwalked past some girls at the bus stop , they were wearing their little Jimmy Choos (AKA Primark ) and they all looked more stable than me !
Anyone seen the film ‘Nine’. I don’t think it’s the Turkish one Jacob went to see on Sunday night , 2 hours and NO subtitles – he deserved the huge chocolate cake his friend bought him afterwards by way of an apology
Glad to hear Istanbul went well-im sure the girls will have a mental time when they’re out there!
It is snowing LOADS up here in the Midlands and it wont bloody stop! So many people wear wellies into Uni (a bit OTT if you ask me but whatevs).
And no i havent seen Nine but i really want to, isnt it meant to be the next Moulin Rouge or Chicago or something? x
Well its a musical, which for me is fantastic distraction therapy. I’ve prob missed my beloved Jonathan reviewing it. Have you signed my petitition to keep him on BBC radio 2 on Sat mornings – I have 2 names on it so far , mine and Andy Davies