Did any of you read the interview with Gordon Brown last week ? I am not interested in politics ,but I was drawn to the bit he wrote about the death of his daughter,Jennifer. I agreed with everything he said .’
‘I know about death.there is a finality about death and if someone loses someone who is close to them ,you are never the same again.You cannot be the same person you were before,particularly if that someone is young, or in our case ,a child.
You are always thinking of what could have been.Every year you are thinking of that daughter who was about to ……
It changes your life forever.It makes you feel the value of time.
There has to be some purpose in tragedy.I remember how difficuilt it was to come to terms with what I never wanted to come to terms with……..” And so the interview goes on.
Interestingly the day before I read this I read an article about a fundraising auction David and Samantha Cameron held .It raised £100,000 for The Child Bereavement Charity ( CBC), where John and I have 6weekly counselling.
Then today we received an intivtation , as did all members of CBC, from Lord and Lady Dashwood ,to their home and garden ,West Wycombe House, for a walk and to plant a snowdrop for our child that died. I’ll let you know who I bump into.
Since yesterday, I’ve been thinking such a lot about what you said and I can see what an impact Gordon Brown’s interview has had on you. Planting a flower that will bloom one day is such a lovely thing to do for Rosie.
what a perfectly lovely flower to plant for Rosie – and one that brings cheer and the hope of spring out of the harshness of winter.