OMG- Flo and I have just witnessed the first fight on Coach Trip – the production crew had to step in to break up an argey bargey on the coach- unheard of … Brendan was all of a dither. Plus, Georgina , they are in up in your neck of the woods, no not Brum ( although 4 of the coach party are from the W.Mids , so you could be forgiven for thinking they’re in Selly oak ) ,but N.E. Italy, just outside Venice and famous for its’ Grappa- is that why you chose to go there? Then Jacob , they are coming to Istanbul ( Nikki if we keep it on video , we could incorporate it into our Turkish Delight Night ).
I do apolojise if all this sounds like ‘a description of anything in the media I come into contact with’. I guess its cos the inside of my head is going crazy with images, sounds ,smells of Rosie mixed in with sadness/loss/love/grief/fear/guilt/longing/pain/questions, add that to that a broken heart , and you’ll see why brain numbing TV suddenly becomes attractive.
Wahey! Damn I’ve been found out-its nothing to do with the place or University, solely the good quality BOOZE! Did the people fighting get chucked off the coach for good?
Lykke Li just came on my iTunes-Dance Dance Dance always makes me think of Rosie xxx
yes ,Brendan handed the red card to Bruce- a gay enbalmer from london. All heavy stuff.
Those songs do my head in . Last week, Chris Evans played ‘Girls in their summer clothes’ just as I left the house to go to work. I couldn’t function all day ( no difference to all the rest then ).