Wish me luck, I’m off for a meeting with Grandmama and Mary , the physio. Mary is bravely attempting to try Grandma with a new upright Rotator ( yes , you can be forgiven for thinking thats a farming term- but its what The G calls her rollator). She is so stooped now , has no confidence , and will only attempt to use it when I am there- I was talking about Grandma , but after the meeting ,that willl probably apply to Mary too.
So as the antithesis to this , I am going to see ‘Bath Boy’ in ‘Soap’ …at The Riverside studios tonight. He was amazing in ‘la Clique’ and this time he’s bought along 4 others – all with their own baths.What they can’t do with a rubber duck and a trapeze, wearing very liitle clothes, isn’t worth doing.
….I’ve had a few emails about the Whoopee Pies, but sadly no-one has dropped any off yet . Flo and I particularly liked the oatmeal and cream cheese one ……………….