Go see LB

After an absolutely brilliant night ( and not a magnet in sight,Lorna, ) with lovely friends, blown away by the happy cheesefest that is Legally Blonde and then finnishing off with deux Long Island Iced Teas, tapas, plans of camping with Laura Marling and Bobby Dylan, I woke up with Moira Stuart telling me that Christopher Cazanove had died after being overwhelmed by septicaemia. As I mentioned before , I have read a lot of stuff he and his ex-wife wrote about the sudden death of their son ,Linford , about 10years ago.They are ardent supprters of charities that have supported us. Then i read some of the stuff the press wrote…”he never got over the death of his son,”…..are the press stupid ? You never do.

2 Replies to “Go see LB”

  1. my cousin died from meningitis when he was a baby, someone in the family said, you never get over it, just get better at distracting yourself from it over the years, but it never ever goes away. I feel for you all so much, and I miss my Rosie terribly.

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