Maybe its a male/female thing -women don’t like Zoe ( but with that info – she does sound dreadful )? But Stolly , you don’t say who you are rooting for….
Spent yesterday on the beach. It was a long but beautiful slog to get there on the bike . All that putting it in the car , stopping 25miles out , unloading, having my map and mints taken away from me. Yes John has started his training for Kenya ( although the leafy lanes off Sussex are not much of a comparison- hilly though ) and the good news is he stayed on , the bad news is he forgot to put his factor 50 on and now has very red knees. The great British public with very little clothes on , never fail to give me maximum distraction therapy ( I’ve switched to beach talk now – not cyclists ), and behind my Primark £1.99 huge sunglasses you have a licence to gawp at anything . However it was bittersweet , as for most of the other times we have been to West Wittering the 3 Dwyerettes were here with us .One of my most vivid memories was when Rosie and Helen , aged about 7 ( ? ) capsized their little blow up boat , in about 9 ins. of water. They both panicked , started screaming , rolling around , thinking they were drowning until Ian rescued them – much to the relief of the eardrums of everyone else on the beach. That might have been the same occasion we lost Tim . Now move on about 5 years ,and while everyone else is in the field, apres swim, drinking beer, playing football, burning sausages , Rosie and Helen are in The Maynards car , playing ‘Be- witched’ at full volume. All was fine and dandy , until we all said our fond farewells, and everyone drove off …except the Maynards , who had a flat battery. Then there was a time , the Clarkes, Dwyers and Maynards got locked in the car park , had a huge argument with the stroppy owner and had to pay to get out .All good fun.
This afternoon , The Lord beckons. Emma and I are going to see ‘Love never dies’.
Arjun definately, i think its partly because his little friendship with rhys was so cute, but rhys just couldn’t handle it! I remember Rosie always complaining about the joint fam new years day(?) outdoor swim. then admitting she loved it really
Tim gets my vote..with Arjun definately a close second