Am I right in thinking the losing team shared their squidgey cherry things with Patrick H ? How kind .
Those photos – so beautiful and yet so dam hard to look at .Rosie was so young , vibrant, happy and healthy – why was her body so cruel to her ? I know I keep asking , and I know there are no answers , but as I’ve said ( a thousand times ) before , the questions send me slightly crazy.The first photo, I guess was taken by Flo, as Rosie is lying on her bed in her Waitrose uniform . The blog one ,taken with Helen, Katie and Izzy P. is the The Days Hall , what is the occasion ?
It’s not fair , I should weigh about 6 stone. Today , in soaring temperatures ,I have been ‘Companion Cycling’.( which bears NO resemblance to Swinging or naked cycling – so many people have seen that group – I feel quite left out ). CC is a charity which enables people with special needs, regardless of their ability to cycle on specially adapted cycles around Bushy Park.True to form ,I forgot my padded pants , and so am typing this standing up.We took a group of students , 3 in wheelchairs, and everyone went for a cycle , up hill down dale, putting the fear of God into other cyclists. The bikes were amazing , with either a secure platform or bucket seat on the front , or as in the case of my one , a ‘normal ‘ bike , attached side by side ,with an adapted bike, so my partner and I sat next to each other , but, I did all the work .All was going swimmingly , until a lady walking a dog on a very long lead , crossed my path , and I had visions of being catapulted into the lake.She won’t do that again . Oh , and we sang …and did lots of drafting.( look that up it’s a cyclists term ), overtaking and burning off- We all loved it.
Funnily enough I do know about drafting, it is that slip stream thing. Well done you xx