Lets move to Southampton

Thank God for Nancy , as I was all of a dither today , and she made me laugh. This morning was like all the 21sts of the month when I click on Rosie’s website, and have to brace myself for whatever photos Bert has chosen .They never fail to move me, and I am still in shock that I’ll never see her again ( when someone says ”have you moved on ?”, I want to punch them .).Well it was like that with my new calendar that John made for me for Christmas . In every one of the 12 photos ,Rosie radiates happiness, beauty and health. John gave it to me on Christmas day ,I looked briefly at all the photos and then couldn’t bear to open it til last Sunday , so I faced January and February in 2 days .Just the turning of a page can turn my grief into an overwhelming pain that drags my body ,mind and soul into a place I hope you never have to go ..and as for the fatigue…feeling sad is truly exhausting. So last night Flo and I sat down to ‘one Born every minute ‘ and 2 things happened .I fell in love with the male midwife and I felt I got to know Nancy a bit better. She shops at TK max and M&S , has 2 children ( one turned at 38 weeks- physically not sexually ) , she’s worked there 9 years and she managed to make the most irritating pregnant woman( who wouldn’t keep her hands off her husband and kept referring to Dirty Dancing ), laugh

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