Jacob, the penny has just dropped as to what the stand-up is . I think it was you arranging for us to meet Titiana in the pub later on on the Saturday night .Then us , apres our spareribs,noodles etc, plus me being sidetracked by all the entertainment that is Newcastle City centre on a Sat night ( I have never seen so many people wearing so few clothes, so much fake tan and unable to walk in their shoes – and that was just the Newcastle United supporters ), going back to your house ,cosying up and then until you got that text , forgetting we were meant to be somewhere else ie. in The Cumberland Arms, where Titiana had just finished her ( solitary) first ( and last ) pint while waiting for us.
I saw her today and gave her 2 stellas and a rustlers voucher.she seemed happy enough.
You mean the rustlers voucher you tore out the the old newspaper we found on the train , and the Stellas I bought – aah sweet !