Thanks Amy for writing that .Yes it really was an amazing show.The space, the work , the people,the atmosphere.It was lovely for John and I to see Jacob,Rosie and Florence’s friends all there- it made it very special.
You have probably worked out ( become bored with ? ) that I think back a lot to what we were doing 3+ years ago .This week our trip to Barcelona has been going through my mind. I keep seeing Rosie in those denim shorts or that mustard skirt, or charity shop flowery top with her hair cut into a fringe and that half cocked lovely smile. So I was spooked yesterday ,the 21st, when I clicked onto Rosie’s website and saw that very image….. and Florence,Rosie and Jacob staring back at me. Bert had chosen the very photo ( taken at our first night in the tapas bar ) that was in my minds eye.
Florence has returned safe and sound from seeing Jarvis C. in Berlin .She loved it and him .