I have 2 big photos of Rosie on my fridge , that i love ( the photos ,NOT the fridge ). I put them there, so i get used to them as I love to see them , but it crucifies me at the same time , so looking at them everytime I am in the kitchen, eases the pain of looking at them for me. Reading that back , it sounds stupid , so I hope you are getting what I mean…I HAVE to see every photo there is of Rosie, but at the same time , the pain when I see them ,kills me. When people show me photos or her dialogue on ‘Facebook’, she seems so alive , and I feel so excluded from a private world you all have .I am not saying I want to be a member – thinking back to when I was 19 I would have loathed my Mum to listen or join in with any of my private conversations. I guess what I am asking you ( again) if you have any photos or dialogue you have of/with Rosie , please do print it off and give it to me. Anyway back to the point , these 2 photos. They are paricularly poignant as one was taken today a year ago . opposite lornas craft stall at Boston manor Fare, Rosie spotted the sigh ‘Hard Core’ and thought it was hysterical ( I don’t think it was referring to Lorna ), so i took her photo next to it. The second photo was taken in the Clarkes kitchen on Georgina’s 19th Bday on Dec 8th , by katie, at ‘Ladies who lunch’ – she looks so Goddam happy…
Last night was a sureal, hysterical experience. We went to Ham House to see ‘a night at the movies’ .In otherwords a load of middle-class , National trust members sit out side in the cold ( and rain at one point ), watching a movie they could have rented from blockbusters for £2 ! John was very confused ( after the 3rd beer – we didn’t take Pimms like everybody else – how common ) when the film started and there wasn’t a nun or mountain in sight – he thought he’d gone to see ‘A Sound of music’ and it was in fact ‘Mamma Mia’. You have to imagine the rest , at every song , people ( dressed up in character and not as Meryl in her dungerees ) ran up yo the front and started dancing – it was like a cross between Fame/ High School Musical and the X Factor. Then in the slow songs , middle aged women held their solar-powered- eco lamps up and swayed ( NOT a lighter in sight ), not a pretty sight when they are wearing a Kaftan, platform boots and a long blonde wig ( I had trouble getting Mandy to take hers off ). A visual feast and a huge pile of distraction therapy -the picnic was good too !
helllooooo rachellast week or so i found some photos of the Curry Knights outing of last september, there are a few photos of Rosie which i will try to print off when i next get paid or dad can lend me it for now :). will bring them round as soon as i have them.. :)))
and i’ve taken pictures of the 2 paintings i’ve started for the exhibition, will have to show u them too… 🙂
love joe x