I feel like I’m in the S.A.S. and psyching myself for manouvers ( spelt wrong , but CBA to look it up – someone hopefully will ), in fact its just a trip to Mayday Hospital – eye dept this time. Poor old Grandmama is registered blind as she has AMD in one eye and had a retinal bleed , causing irrepairable damage in the other ( by this point , I will have lost Ann Downs , if you’re passing her house , go in and check she’s OK ), is having her pre-op examination. This normally means waiting around for 3hours , while everyone elses name is called except hers , so by the time we get in there , her BP is normal , while mine is so high they are fast tracking me to the coronary care unit !
Jacob drove over to see her yesterday , i sent him with her requested fresh steamed asparagus, thin brown bread and butter sandwiches with the crusts cut off, while he opted for the chunky cheese , onion and pickle crusty roll ( how butch ). She announces she can no longer cope with the side effects of the asparagus ( use your imagination ) and so Jacob had to swop the fillings – masterchef eat your heart out.
Meanwhile……lorna and i did one of our hidden london on public transport walks. It was beautiful , all over Wimbledon common , we found the Windmill, the tearooms, Cinzano Park, the tearooms, bumped into Jo , who i haven’t seen for ages, the tearooms and the No 72 home.
Managed to read without reaching for the smelling salts!
What is it that anne finds difficult -eyes,hospitals,waiting rooms….? or is it all of them
In the middle of Wimbledon Common and Rachel meets someone she knows, unbelieveable.The almond slice was lovely,even if it did have a few gravel bits attached to it where I’d dropped it on the floor.
Ann-ask Sarah to describe her laser eye surgery to you. I guarantee you’ll have dropped to the floor before she’s finished.