I am in possession of a lovely photo of ( L to R , NO favourites ), Stu, Anna, Holly, Jo, Rachel and Nikki , standing in front of The Isis and next to Rosie’s plaque. Thank you all for going .I would love to know what you thought of the inscription .
I sort of understand why Florence ignored me when I popped in to see her on the checkout in Waitrose yesterday . The guy at the next checkout, my friend and I thought it was funny when I put my boxy orange Salisbury recycled shopping bag over my head and asked if I was in the right shop .I guess ignoring me was better than calling security.
After a bracing walk in Richmond Park , I went to The Nearly New Years Eve party at Uplands. Grandma and I were in the front row for the entertainer – minus The Sains carrier – pity , no-one would have raised an eyebrow there.