I know I’ve said it before ,but ,we have some lovely neighbours .I trudged home from work , shoulders down ( you know it -that weary feeling ,when you can quite muster the energy to stand upright ) and there hanging on our front door *was a lovely homemade willow heart and four knitted white flowers and this note
“Dear Rachel,John,Jacob and Florence, Whilst pottering around in France over Easter,thoughts of Rosie and your family played through my mind .I crafted these white flowers,one for each of you ( whilst sheltering from The easterly wind ) as a way of saying I remember….
I know that you will always be broken and hurting, that there are no ultimate solutions,comfort ,escape or answers to your pain, but I resisted passing over my thoughts without registering and reaching out over to your home to simply say I am thinking of you,
With love and Shalom, Jeannie “
I was so moved by her act of kindness and expressing how she feels .It is always comforting to know people care