Rosie loved her Tamogotchi .So much so ,I had to take it to work with me and feed, change and play with it in my lunch breaks . Then one summers day ,Jacob,Rosie, Florence and I met Paula,Alex,Charlotte and Kate for our annual summer picnic at Hatfield House ( we varied it , sometimes it was Knebworth House ).We’d only been there 5 minutes ,when Rosie dropped her Tamogotchi in the pond .Up until that fateful moment ,it was the longest it had lived …3 days and 4 hours. Rosie took it well – if you call screaming for 20 minutes and going hysterical and ensuring the mass evacuation of 25 Japanese tourists in Elizabeth First’s Rose Garden . I’m not sure if we even fished it out the pond . I think she blubbed until we got the picnic out , then it became history