We had a lovely gift today , the catalogue of The Howard Hodgkin exhibition , signed by the great man himself- thanks to Carole and the PM gallery.
Was at Heathrow , terminal 5 at 6am this morning ( we would have got there earlier but I shot past the turning – well it didnt say drop-off , just short stay parking – all very confusing ). Yes the Jmaster has jetted off to a sunnier climate , Newcastle…. I’m keeping Sonic warm for him and dragging in the straggling squares ( For the art project – i didnt mean his old-fashioned friends ).
John and I shot into Ikea later and saw an incident of ‘meatball rage’ – all very unpleasent. At least this time we didnt have a blazing row ,resulting with john storming off ( with the car keys ) and me having to get them to tannoy his name over the store , instructing him to meet me by the ballpool !
Now go and google Howard Hodgkin and tell me your favourite – mine is ‘For Jack’.
Tears, idle tears…
I can honestly say that I have never heard of Howard Hodgkin but now that I have googled him I can see that he is someone who likes to splash his paint large,very similiar to Rolf Harris in his early days. I liked ‘Fisherman’s Cove’ because I like lime green and ‘Americana’ because I really liked the blue and red bit-unfortunately all the limited editions had gone or I would have been in there…
‘Learning about Russian music’ – love the warm orange window