Adam , your words are so right . I thought I’d sort of sussed Rosie’s style, so as part of her 19th Birthday present , I gave Rosie a charity shop black and purple fake leopardskin plasticy naff bomber jacket- she opened her present ,laughed and said it was disgusting and she’d look like a hooker if she wore it ! It is still upstairs in her bedroom.
Thank you to Lynn, Emma and Martin for visiting The Isis and sending me the photos. I loved the one of Emma crouching down by Rosie’s plaque.
Thank you also to Eden , for your most beautiful portrait of Rosie . You have captured her ..her beauty,vitality,passion and love, but most importantly ,there is part of YOU in it. We are all bowled over by it . When we ( John ) re- decorate the house – it will definitely be going up .
The ‘ ACE Cycle Kenya Team ‘ are joining us for supper tonight, Jacobs’ knocking up a culinary delight.