I won’t bore you with ‘the things to do’ list

There is always stuff to be happy about and always stuff to be sad about and always stuff that pisses you off and always stuff to do etc etc

I can’t talk for everyone but if I phrase it like this it is not a cringey case of moi moi moi .

Now back to moi .

The happy stuff is . I’ve broken up .The fox poo ,stuck to big sheets of ply , is in the council tip . We had friends round on Friday night and we laughed a lot and I now know some Chinese nouns .The 3 Chinese students arrived late last night and one of them speaks better English than me – so no need for the nouns . Florence is in Istanbul. I wish was in Istanbul . I’m taking in students to pay to go to Istanbul .

The sad stuff , which isn’t sad at all ,was watching the 3 episodes back to back of ‘Married at First Sight’ . By the end of it ,I was furious with Jason , felt sorry for Kate- I would have married her , plus I was annoyed with Emma and felt sorry for James . I think there should be a spin-off where Kate and James get it together .

The very distressing stuff ..is reading about all these young people who have died so tragically . Nick cave’s son , Arthur .Kleyo De Abreu , who died bungee jumping .David frost’s son ,Miles who died while out running .

I in no way making their deaths out to be more significant than any other young person who dies anywhere else in the world .But , I guess they stick in my mind as they are named and live close and I can somehow imagine the pain their families are going through now and the constant sadness that will have to learn to live with .

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