The next time you book your cheap Ryanair flight to Barcelona ( Reus ) Airport , don’t be fooled – it is nowhere near Barcelona -it is about 70 long miles away .
Thanks Darren , for the lovely photos and the reason I’m setting myself up against Simon Calder ( and his top travel tips ) is because that first photo of Jacob,Rosie and Florence ,taken in August 2008, was taken in the little cafe ,just before the departure lounge ,in Reus Airport . The 5 of us had spent a few days in Barcelona and then driven on and on and on ( past the airport ) further south to Playa de Montroig campsite . Jacob and Rosie were about to fly home and were waiting for the flight that Natalie and Fiona were on , to land .
They took the piss out of me cos I was blubbing as I said good-bye to them . There is a cruel irony to that now .
The next photo is Holly and Rosie doing a good job of showing their tonsils to the world and the third one is on the beach in Walberswick .
A certain Cher song comes to mind