Bloody hell , whats going on? i get back from a day out from leigh – on Sea ( didnt k T Tunstall write a song called that ?) and its all kicked off and most of it I haven’t a clue whats its about….I still listen to Elvis on my Sony walkman when I’m driving – who needs Ipod/tunes/discthingies when you’ve got your old faithful ‘Miss Marple Investigates’ story tapes ?
I’m so glad you wrote that Rachel because I had no idea what all the comments were about.What’s this new fangled notion of listening to music whilst you drive?People will be talking on portable telephones next.I’ve been in the cupboard under the stairs for 2 days now-has Flo finished her driving lesson? Is it safe to come out?
I’m so glad you wrote that Rachel because I had no idea what all the comments were about.What’s this new fangled notion of listening to music whilst you drive?People will be talking on portable telephones next.I’ve been in the cupboard under the stairs for 2 days now-has Flo finished her driving lesson? Is it safe to come out?
Sorry that’s me doubling up.It’s hard to see the keys in the dark……