I am just eating a huge plate of humble pie ….I must apolojise to a gorgeous 18 year old girl ( when they say ‘coming of age ‘ – it really means throw away your fake ID )for forgetting her birthday . Hazel ( no , not the one I work with , you know you are over 60 ), I have known you since the day you were born , in fact ,I even remember the day your Mum told me she was pregnant with you …it was in our kitchen when she’d come to babysit for Jacob and Rosie , as John and I were going to yet another night of Transvestite Bingo ( actually I don’t remember where we were going, but Sarah and I were talking about going to such an event, earlier this evening ). I digress – Hazel , I hope you HAD a wonderful 18th Birthday and this evening all The Dwyers have raised their glasses to your health and happiness . And hopefully , by the weekend ,the Birthday Stork will have dropped something on your mat . ( but Lorna , hopefully not on your mat )xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx