I’m very proud

Thought you might be interested in this:-

Dear Rachael Dwyer,

How have you been ? I am doing fine My mother,Shirlet,Eugene and Daphine told me to pass their warmed regards to you.

Mother told me to pass her appreciation to you for sponsoring my secondary school education.

By the way, thanks a lot for your last letter I loved , especially the family photo.I am so sorry I delayed writing to you- it was irresponsible and unthankful of me .But i promise to always keep in touch with you.

How is your family doing ?

I would like to thank you for enabling me grt through my secondary school education by paying my school fees.I know it took you a lot of sacrifice to pay my fees.God will bless yo abundantly for your kind heart.You will live to celebrate the fruits of your labour.

I sat for The Kenya Council Secondary Education exams which is a major national examination done by kenyan students at the end of the four years of secondary school last year starting from Oct to November 2012.The results will be out in April this year. I hope to get a good grade which is a minimum of B+. In June-July 2012 we sat for the District Mock examination and this is how I performed

Englis A

Kiswahili C+

Mathematics D

Biology C+

Chemistry D+

Geography B-

Christian Religious Education B+

Business Studies A-

I had a mean grade of B-

I hope to join a good university to undertake pharmacy .I want to be a doctor in the future.

I wish to see you,

pass my greetings to the rest of the family,

Yours faithfully

Caren Wanjala



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