Thank you Bert for choosing such lovely photos .
The photo of Florence,Rosie and Jacob running in the sea, was taken around 1998 in Rosas ,Spain .In those days we drove there .It is one of my favourite photos of the 3 of them .I have it on the wall ,to the right of my bed ,so it is one of the first images I see when I wake up in the morning. The next photo was taken in The Clarke’s kitchen ,I think at Georgina,Helen and Katies’ Sept 2008 ‘Ladies that Lunch’ party . Finally ,that wonderful photo of Rosie and Ollie on the subway in NYC ,2007 .I adore that photo , it is so natural , and the contrast between their 2 faces is amazing .Rosie and Ollie chugged along really nicely together.
Changing the subject completely, take a seat and brace yourself -here is the funniest joke from this year’s Edinburgh Fringe, courtesy of Comedian,Stewart Francis ” You know who really gives kids a bad name ? Posh and Becks”
i liked that joke so much ,I looked Stewart Francis up .his favourite joke is Tommy Coopers-” I was cleaning out the attic the other day with the wife .Filthy,dirty and covered in cobwebs…but at least she’s good with the kids ”
Crime in multi-storey car parks. That is wrong on so many different levels.