I am writing this squished up against the computer as Af has had the perspex delivered and has laid out half of Rosie’s face , in squares , on the floor – it looks amazing , especially her mouth. Now which bit did I do ??.
Don’t know if you ever look at Rosie’s justgiving page , but 2 separate strangers have made donations – I am very moved by this. When we all piled on the train at Northfields on Sunday , one lady gave £10 to Suzie, as she was so taken with us in our teeshirts. Then a couple of days ago , someone called Nick gave £10 as he too had seen the teeshirts and had looked up the website. So if you 2 ever read this – a huge thank you – it was so kind of you.
Jacob, Florence and I took Grandmama out to lunch today , up to The Rookery, we kept her out long enough ,so she missed Judy’s exercise class. Grandma was very disappointed that everyone took the run seriously ( all except 2 ) and didn’t pop into St.Stephen’s Tavern , opp The Houses of Pariament and next to Westminster Tube, to have a G&T. This was the pub she was living and working in , when she met Grandpapa.
Oh I can’t wait to see the final putting together of the art, I think it will look amazing (esp the top right hand side of the hair…)! How did AF manage to get the perspex into the house, isnt it massive?