Since our lovely ,warm,gastronomique , guess-who? crackers ,and obscene Balderdash Game on Christmas Day Chez Les Clarkes …we have followed the star and gone north and east .North as far as Solihull to John’s sister Mary’s for Boxing Day ,and east , as far as Walberswick ( one of my spiritual homes ),to The Anchor ,for 24 hours of walking on the beach ,contemplation,dominoes( Florence won ) ,Contract Whist ( Jacob won ,and before he mentions it – he also won the Balderdash – aided by John who spent the whole game unsure as to what vajazzling meant ,thus making his answers even more obscure .It is far too complicated to explain so I suggest you ask Natalie as she introduced the word in round two ), eating fabulous food and drinking lots of Adnams..and having breakfast with Simon Mayo .
Conjuring at The Court tonight