On Sunday morning around 6.30am , Dunwich beach car park looked like Where’s Wally in the Tour de France. You’ve never seen so many exhausted, delirious, happy men and woman clad in flourescent lycra eating icecreams, burnt sausages and drinking beer. Some even stripped off and went in the sea ( that made it easier to spot Wally, Woof,Wilma,Wizard Whitebeard and Willy ).
John did BRILLIANTLY- no punctures , no falling off , (even though one girl in Epping tried to knock him off by openeing her car door in front of him but Superjohn managed to swerve to avoid her ) and he even added 10miles to his 120 by going the wrong way at one point…and he still got in, fresh as a daisy at 6.27am. he didn’t look quite so cool when he fell asleep with his head under an upturned beach chair .