It got a bit messy here this week – literally .One too many litres of Bacardi were opened in our ‘Mexican/Italian fusion farewell to Florence’ night and the upstairs carpet suffered as a result of it – no Dwyers or residents of Ealing were to blame ( which narrows it down a bit ) .
Meanwhile – while Jacob basks in Copenhagen, Florence swelters in Glasgow and John sweats in Greenford , I cried in Bermondsey . I went to see ‘The Color Purple’ a la musical mode..I thought it was fanbloodytastic .I just about remembered the story having read it years ago – but it all came flooding back .There’s just something great about gospel singing isn’t there ?
Talking of which we discovered a wonderful cafe – ‘The Putney Pantry ‘ today .It is part of St Mary’s Church – the inside of which is really beautiful .We were so bowled over by the place so one of the chefs gave us a guided tour ,showing us it’s little river-garden, it’s roof terrace and telling us the whole history of the place …….it was The Putney Church in Charles Dicken’s David Copperfield * and it was the headquarters of Oliver Cromwell’s army during the civil war . It’s twin church ,north of the river was the one used in the film ‘The Omen’ etc etc .Apparently people travel miles to see it and we just stumbled across it on a very hot TCF river walk to The Wetlands Centre .