Sally – aah Grandmama’s phone- another saga. As you know she had one had Brigstock Manor ( which she now likens to The Four Seasons resort in The Maldives). When she moved to her first room in Addington Heights ( which she now likens to The Staff Quarters at the Dorchester ), I’d booked for The BT engineer to connect a new line . I cancelled this when she moved to her second room at Addington Heights ( which she now likens to the Royal Suite at Gleneagles ). When she decided to move to Uplands ( which fluctuates between Wormwood Scrubs and your local YMCA – where everyone pops in ) I cancelled BT again and re-jigged the connection to Uplands . After 2 weeks there, she’s instructed me to cancel the Uplands connection , as she doesn’t know what to do. Can you be expelled from BT for wasting their time and impersonating and 89 yr old woman ? If yes, I’ll switch to ‘Sky’- or put myself up for adoption.
So I’ll let you know when a final decision has been made and a phone line connected- I’m tempted by the 2 empty baked bean cans on a connecting piece of string.
Today I turned over the calender , just like clicking on Rosie’s website on the 21st of each month, the new pictures pierce my heart….again. August’s photo , is of The SOC , out of Elthorne uniform, In the Bunny park , I think . From L to R is Manpreet,Stu, Izzy, Holly, Laura, Nikki and Rosie . Why Izzy are you the only one doing a Charlie’s Angels impression?
Also today is The national crabbing competition in Walberswick – next year I’m doing it ( I know I said that last year ).
Also also today , 2 years ago , the 5 of us were in Barcelona. we had been to Picasso Museum in the morning and about this time were on The open Top bus , burning our heads. I think about that holiday a lot – we were so happy . here I go , that dam ‘why’ question again. I love her and miss her every waking second – and a lot of the sleeping ones too.
; I’d be happy to hang out with Joan at the Four Seasons in the Maldives any time, so let me know if she’s heading that way! Sounds like she is mobile enough to require a mobile 🙂