Then we went to Hornimans Museum , but it was lashing it down ,we couldn’t find the disabled parking and so went to Macdonalds Drive Thro

Grandma and I have our little Thursday ritual, I get there, she asks me where something is ( normally I have NO idea , but say it’s in the loft and I’ll bring it next week ), then she says hello , then she has an instant cappuccino ( very cosmopolitan ) and if I’ve remembered , a custard tart , then I hear about her aches and pains ( that takes us till around lunchtime ), then I read her mail , put away her shopping, water her plants , talk to the other residents, get her on the bed- bark her exercises to her, re-tune her radio to LBC ( which by now is on the Bhangra Station and she’s completely confused ), tell her how John and Florence are, hear who has died in the home, do beauty ( nails,lipstick,perfume… and don’t ask about the rest ), tell her about my week ( max- 2 minutes ) ….then we phone Jacob . Yesterday he was very busy as him and Liam were manning ‘The Fine Art Cafe’, to raise funds for their degree show .I asked him what they were selling ? Home made cakes .How many had he made ? None. How many had he tasted? Most of them. He then went onto tell me how the previous night he had had supper with friends who had an Austrian (Erasmus )student staying with them. Her parents had come to stay ,and had invited him and some others over for a home cooked Austrian meal . All fine and dandy ,until the dad appeared wearing lederhosen .Apparently he has worn them for the last 20years. Jacob said he couldn’t give any of his friends eye contact for fear of exploding. He made Grandma and I laugh.

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