Well done Sarah . I always knew my family were geniuss – geniii- never was any good at Latin. in fact i was so bad i got chucked out and put into the Classical backround ( i.e. remedial )group , but i loved it , drawing all those doric, colonic and corinthian columns. Georgina, a good effort , even though you used you IT skills – in other words , cheated., shows initiative though.
Did an AMAZING walk today. …..train to Seaford ( a sleepier Eastbourne . ) Walk along the beach and up the cliff ( Went quiet at this bit – too busy concentrating on my breathing ) and over the cliffs with ‘The Seven Sisters’ and turquoise seas in view the whole time. Picnic in a secluded cove. Come down the cliff at Cuckmere Haven and walk up the river to ‘The Golden Galleon’ , a couple of glasses of Sussex’s finest Pinot Grigio and a bag of cashews. No 12 bus to Eastbourne , train , crossword and general hysteria when the woman opp put her limegreen sarong over her head to try to get to sleep, followed by another passenger coming to my aid when I lost one of my shoes – somehow it ended up 3 rows of seats behind !
Now go and put all those paces into Googlyimages and see what you think .