I never did get to grips with the mindful walking or eating , but I do and try and do stuff mindfully, and it always helps ( me ) when the sun is shining .I think the only time I truly utterly , completely relax ,is when I feel safe and I am sitting with the warmth of the sun on my face .In fact ,just like Grandma and Jane used to do .
So with that in mind ,I have down loads of lovely stuff with kind people ,out in the sunshine .
Now I am going to completely contradict myself by saying one of the most beautiful places I visited this week was The Watts Gallery , Compton . G.F.Watts’ work wouldn’t be my first choice of paintings , but some of them were stunning and I fell in love with his 1885 painting ‘Hope’ which is breathtakingly beautiful and moved me to tears .
If you do go ,take the time to walk down the lane to The Watts Cemetery Chapel – absolutely magnificent. Google it ,then double the beauty , photos do not do it justice .