Well the good news is Jacob’s up for entering next year .The bad news is , Lorna sounds interested , but wants to cheat . But, thinking about it, with Jacob’s fish counter connections and lorna’s cunning , I reckon we could stuff a couple of huge ones ( NOT dressed of course – the mayo would give the game away ) down John’s speedo’s and let them loose halfway through the comp – brilliant. Then it’ll be Adnams all round in ‘The Anchor ‘. !
Just got in from a day out on the Isle of Thanet – actually its not theoretically an Island , but used to be. Mandy and i got the train to Broadstairs( beaut ) and walked to Margate ( dump- remember it on The Apprentice ?), but the walk was stunning- white chalky cliffs, golden powdery sand, 7 bays and turquoise sea. if you’d stuck a little taverna in there, i could have had a ‘Shirley Valentine’ moment.
Issy , when are you coming do see ‘The SOC plus others, does sport photos’ ? It is so hard to see photo’s of Rosie I haven’t seen before , but as john pointed out – she looks so happy .
Aplojies , i forgot to give my thanks to Alison for dropping the photos round and to Mr McDougall for taking them , printing them and being such a brill form tutor to Rosie. She told me , that when the Head made her stand up in assembly and walk out ( for talking – now theres a surprise ), she felt such a fool , But once back in her tutor room , Mr McDougall gave her his full support – thanks , it meant so much to her.
My 2 precious lovebundles return to me tomo.