
Whilst John was out hanging wallpaper in someone’s house ,as part of a community project , a friend took me on a magical mystery tour of London’s Open Houses .Most people go to the big ones- No.10 Downing street, The Bank of England,The Shard etc .But not us .We started off in a pod-shaped toilet cum art gallery and museum in the grounds of St Anne’s Church Soho and ended up in the British Library – which actually wasn’t on the list ,is open anyway , but we needed the toilet ( sadly ,this one didn’t double up as an art gallery ) . In the middle of all that we went to Camley Street Natural park ( not on the list ) , The Skip Garden ( also not on the list ), Caravan ( definitely not on the list cos it’s a restaurant ,but recommended by Adam Watson for brunch -we loved it so ,we returned a week later ) did a tour of the United Grand Lodge of English Freemasons ( on the list ) – it was like a cross between……being in the throne room of some amazing palace….being on a set of the Harry Potter movie…looking up at a naff Sistine Chapel celing…..being on a 1930’s cruise ship .It was sumptuous, decadent, beautiful ,yet garish and I don’t really understand what it is all about .Everyone was very friendly but it just felt a bit odd.

Then I met John for the ‘post decorating and gardening community project’ barbecue and then we both went and met the most beautiful,cute,funny,affectionate ,new addition to the Fletcher Family -Woody …an 8 week old adorable Jack Russell puppy. It’s very tempting……….

4 Replies to “Yesterday”

  1. When we were thinking of getting a dog we narrowed it down to aSchnauzer or a Havanese as they were Ok with Asthma sufferers .but we’ve gone off the boil !

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