Adam , I’m impressed. I went to school with Karen O’Connor – Des’s daughter, but none of us believed her til she showed us some holiday photos.
Sarah B. – could do better. You have the same name as our honourable Prime Minister’s , beautiful stylish wife ( Sod the expenses scandal – I’m still cross they went to Walberswick last year and he wore a suit on the beach – unforgiveable )…so we are in fact related to Gordon.
Spent the evening with a lovely bunch of ladies at ‘The Compassionate friends’ meeting. Men are welcome , but none came. We are united in grief as we all have a child that has died – it is all so wrong. We ache, hurt and feel crushed, angry ,obliterated , miserable and overwhelmed . We also laugh . It is good for me to be with lovely people ( apart from John, Jacob and and Florence ) who understand how lonely and wretched I can feel.