Just been and had my roots done , although have thought about going au naturelle i.e.grey .My friend who I met in Hampton Court today ,is taking that plunge , liberating her locks and throwing the dye away .My hairdresser is lovely- he is a gentle , smiley , little, gay ,Iraqi man and he sort-of reminds me of Brendan ( without the Irish accent ) …which got me thinking ‘When’s Coach Trip coming back?’.
Let me know if you decide to go grey Rachel(fond or not so fond memories of following you in the bathroom after you had been doing something with a red liquid)Friends who have gone grey say its strangely liberating so, now Katys wedding is over and photos have been taken I may stop having my roots done and see whats actually under there..
I remember when we lived in Cobnar Gardens and one day I hennaed my hair ,wrapped my head in silver foil and then made us all tea and coffee. Carrying the tray back from the kitchen ,some of my green sludgey henna dripped into someones mug of tea . Because I only drink coffee I knew it wasn’t mine so, I gave it a stir and said nothing ! Apologies if it was yours …….