5ins ago, I got out the car , dropped my phone ( for phone , read lifeline ) , the back came off and the battery went down the drain . I have tried getting it out SAS style i.e. lying flat on my stomach and using Grandma’s pick-up-stick to try and reach it down the drain ( which doesn’t lift up ), to no avail ….so if anyone has a spare battery for the most basic Nokia- please let me know.
Jacob has gone off to Glastonbury, Florence off to drama and me off to Sainsburies.
I have seen this weeks ‘come dine with me’ , so I’ve converted to ‘Coach Trip’ – anyone else watch it , who is going tonight or will it be another vote rigging scenario ?
On the basis you won’t be picking up any texts – good morning and hope the brigstock/mayday/Joan/you/Lorna combo goes well xx
I love coach tripxxx