It’s half-term and I’ve planned my week ,
I’ve never been good on my own and always managed to inflict myself on other people .
But this week there have been some added bonuses- ‘Coach-Trip’ is back on the TV , the sun is shining and we managed to complete 1 crossword without the use of the PC.
So today ,in the words of John Denver , my bags are packed ,I’m ready to go and I’m standing here outside my door ( well I will be when I’m dressed )….
and I’m off a long ,hilly walk in The Chilterns .I have my flask, scooby-snacks , sticks, and most importantly , 2 songs ….’Baby ,now that I’ve Found You’ ( upbeat )and ‘Dear Lord and Father of Mankind- which to me is my most favorite,beautiful and personal hymn of all times .
They’ll be tears.