Oh Jacob, what atime we all had- remember the next day when Dad and i rendezvous’d at the wrong place/ the heat in Parc Gruell/falling asleep on the open top bus and saying sod-it to the Miro Museum etc etc. I have such happy happy memories of all our holidays ( including the rows and the map reading, driving , too cold air con , killer ants etc etc ). If we could just turn the clocks back , even for just one day a year- our lives would be complete again. I know you are in NYC with people who care deeply about you, so go out and really do all the stuff you ( and Rosie ) love and try and fit in a little visit to our famous holiday haunt ‘The Manhattan Diner ‘ and have beer ( legitimately this time ) and cheesecake and raise your glass to your beautiful sisters.
Nikki- Marlon has my vote – I hate all this tactical voting . Maybe you and me should apply to go on – we would hear the biggest PHAH from Rosie.Does anyone else out there watch ‘Coach Trip’ – it is my daily therapy
Richard and Lise took us out for a fab lunch today to celebrate Richard’s 60th .( I know , you’re thinking surely my brother must be 30, but alas no -BUT I am the baby by 9years ) . They picked up Grandmama and we all met up at the restaurant in Dulwich Picture gallery . We sat 50metres away from Rembrants, Gainsboroughs etc, but just like The Miro’s , we thought sod it , who needs to see masterpieces , when you’ve got plenty at home – lets have another bottle of wine.
The manhatton diner! we went last night, got the cheesecake- but wasn’t up for beer as I was trying to feel a little fresher for the next day (today)… the festival. This was subsquently unnessecary though- as beers were $9 and you could only drink them in this enclosed section- fuck that and even then you could only get a maximum of 7. Other than the stricter than strict american rules- the festival was amazing. Watching lyke li against the backdrop of the new york city skyline whilst the sun set. She opened with “dance dance dance”. Rosie would have LOVED it. I wasn’t even excited about Coldplay, but they were amazing. It was like watching a show, probably one of the best performances I’ve seen live.
Any way… jeez… I’m starting to create my own little sub-blog through comments on big mammas blog.
oh ye- we also went to the cinema that we watched hairspray in but watched “funny peole” this time– very good film.
Jacob you are definitely addicted to blogging, theres no denying it now. But i really like reading them so carry on! Lykke Li sounds amazing, it does sound just like Rosie’s sort of thing. Maybe not the rules on beer though!