So far my wet January is going well.
So much so weird things are happening to me .
In the grand scheme of thing they are not weird , just co-incidences , but they do spook me a little bit .
So today ,I go to 3 West Ealing shops for my Saturday paper , but they are all sold out .So ,I venture north to Waitrose . I walk through their doors at about 2pm , the time Rosie started work ( she was always late ) .I don’t like it .I feel sad and a bit hot and then a bit lost .The lost bit isn’t down to my emotional state , but due to the fact they are doing a refurb and all the aisles are gone or jumbled up and there in the middle of it is a partitioned off cube with about 3 pneumatic drills being operated from the inside . So in the hunt for my Adnams Ghostship, I got a bit lost and found myself opposite the cheese counter – Rosie’s spot …and I can see her .The image is vivid .It is her first day , and in support ( or nosiness ) I go and queue to buy some cheese . The guy in front of me asks for 300grams of Dorset Blue Vinney . Rosie looks at the label of every cheese . finds it , picks it up ( it is big and round and flat ) , puts it on her marble thing ,gets her wire and goes to slice a bit – but , off the side …to which he and I shout ‘No’ , you cut it from the middle like a slice of cake . I think both he and I wanted to get behind the counter and show her how to do it . Boy , how she laughed ( not ) .. So after that vision , I couldn’t stand it anymore .I ditched my half-filled basket at the check-out and went to Lidls ( no ghosts or pneumatic drills there -plus the stuff was half the price ) .
Once home ,I needed some comfort , so laid my new Muji pens out in colours of the rainbow order and then tentatively opened my 2016 calendar that John had had made for me .It is beautiful .Different photos of Rosie on every page .A couple I hadn’t seen before , which stopped in in my tracks . I was already digging very deep when Dermott O’Leary announced ( he was on the radio , not in my kitchen ) his next guests- The Mystery Jets .That was a heart stopper . From where I was sitting I could see William Rees’s ( the lead singer ) artwork on our far wall , on Rosie’s ‘We cluster and we stick’ portrait .Then it got weirder , they played some of their new stuff and then for their last track ,did a cover of David Bowie’s ‘Five Years ‘ . This took me right back to 2007 ,when Rosie and I were shopping in HMV Richmond . I bought 2 CDs – Maroon Five’s ‘Songs about Jane ‘ and David bowie’s ‘Ziggy Stardust ‘. Rosie put Ziggy Stardust on in the car on the way home and couldn’t get beyond ‘Five years’ .She played it over and over again . She loved it ,I loved it , I love her and once again the needles got stuck
it does sound weird but I believe she’s having her say! And letting you know how she is watching over you. Xxx
I really hope so .
As Father William Thomas Cummings. ” there are no Atheists on the battlefield”