I’ve done nothing but sleep, eat things with salt in , moan , feel sorry for myself ,get on John’s nerves and watch easy oozy TV this week – can’t even bare the radio ( except Simon Mayo’s Confessions – everything stops for that ) . So today is my first big trip out – wooo wooo . Anyway I digress …my favourite programme to watch – and I’ve caught up on all the series, is ‘Sky Art’s Portrait Artist of the Year ‘.
It has everything – people, art ,skills, processes , beauty ,Joan and Frank , three dodgy professionals who are a bit up themselves etc etc . I am in absolute awe of people who can paint portraits .Then I look round our house and it is full of them – and they are all different and meaningful and in practically every room of the house Rosie is with me . So thank you to Anna, Chris, Holly ,Jo,Stu and everyone who did a square in Rosie’s ‘We Cluster and We Stick ‘, you will never ever know how much pleasure your work gives me .I look at them every day and I love them more everyday , and do you know why ? Because not only is Rosie in them ,but so is the artist .Both souls are there , and that is beautiful.