Went to see Grandmama at ‘Uplands’ today – she was slightly happier as Dr.Mansfield, who she worked with years ago had visited her . He told her his wife had died , so I’m hoping he might be looking for a replacement and take Grandma off my hands.
I dragged her off to exercise class this morning , led by the lovely Marco. I plonked myself between Grandma and a wonderful 101 yr old Chinese lady called Auntiedu ( well I think that’s the rough translation )- she was amazing . I asked her if she spoke Mandarin . She thought that I could speak Mandarin ( obviously heard about my reputation as head of MFL ) and so jabbered away to me for about 10 minutes , until I explained , I was only asking. The whole session ended in a sit-down action version of’ The Birdie Song’.
Talking of class-acts…..How were The Mystery jets last night ?