To be auctioned…
1. A vegetable Planter – Roy Harvey
2. A delicious chocolate cake – The Maynards
3. A conga lesson (get a group together!?) – Winston Reece
4. Two handmade bowls – Lorna Kyle
5. A bread making lesson (up to 3 people) – Sally Pickles
6. 1 tray of fresh eggs from Adam Watsons family farm in Norfolk
7. Another tray of fresh eggs from Adam Watsons farm
8. A chauffeured picnic to Kew Gardens for two – free entry and a nice afternoon picnic – Izzy Pickles
9. A selection of homemade cupcakes – Kate J
10. 3x 1hour Italian lessons for beginners ( individual or small group) – Laura Schaleppi
11. A framed and mounted painting of a house or garden (yours, a friends?) – Rachel Dwyer
12. A planter of flowers for your garden – Ali and Andy
13. A dinner party for 8 – Gill and Anna
14. A one hour professional career coaching session (on your own or as a group) – Caroline Darkins
15. A sewing lesson – Kim Manino
16. Graphic design work for business cards/invites/bookmaking etc. Whatever you fancy! – Laura Gordon
17. An ‘Empty’ book – Florence Dwyer
18. A selection of Pauls Boutique wear (you choose – jumpers, purses, handbags) – Kim Manino
19. A full day of topless gardening! – Alex Jukes and Leo Gizzi
20. A meal for 6 with table service and entertainment, brought to your home – Nikki, Rachel Davenport and whoever else
21. Experimental portrait photoshoot – Jacob Dwyer
22. A luxury hamper – Holly, Ryan and Stu
23. An astrological chart drawn based on recipients place and exact time of birth. Together with a detailed description of their character. Secondly a cheesecake to come to terms with any distressing results from above – Ian Stewart