I thought you might be interested in this email I received today
“Dear Rachel and John
Just to let you know we have caught up with Jenna and Paul in the UK office today and heard all about their fantastic experiences at Ace and particularly Southend. I know you met during your trip to Bungoma.They have been responsible with the help of a local Bungoma man of setting up a Southend Website which is looking great http://www.southendacademy.org/
Hopefully in the not too distant future you may be able to exchange stories!
Speak soon
Lots of love
LizzyLizzy Epsley
Fundraising & Communications Manager”
Now you can look at The Southend Academy’s Website- it’s fabulous.
Such inspiring and moving photos!
Just spent a good hour browsing the site and reading every page – and looking at all those photos. I love that the Rosie Dwyer Art Room sign is one of them.