
A few people have asked if I’ve listened to this week’s Desert Island Discs .The answer is yes I have .

This week’s guest was Sheryl Sandberg .

She is American, 47 years old, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook , stinking rich , has 2 children …and is grieving .

Her husband ,Dave Goldberg , died suddenly ,two years ago .He too was 47 .

She didn’t say anything that hasn’t been said before , but I guess people sit up and listen as she is wealthy , powerful ,has written a book , is known

But for me ,it is always good to flag it up .Grief , that is , and all the sadness, energy and bewilderment that goes with it .

So I won’t try and re write what she said , I will just share with you the bits I wrote down .I wrote them down because they resonate , affirm ,give me permission ,make me feel less alone

Ok here goes, in no particular order and as I wrote them on a scrap of paper……

profound sense of isolation and being alone

sharing ( with certain people ) brings us closer

focusing on what is real

it is Ok to grieve

it ( the death ) is nobody’s fault

take back joy , we deserve joy.

get out of the home

work can be a lifeline

laugh- it brings light out of the darkness

we have been robbed of our imagined future

dare to dream

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