eggs and hats

I feel a bit guilty , haven’t checked to see if the lift is working Grandma might still be scowling at the Groundfloor residents . She wasn’t best pleased before we went out as Luigi ( the hairdresser ) had borrowed her wheelchair ( without asking ) to wheel Margorie downstairs , to have her hair cut. So it was a mad panic to find the dam chair , clean it , tell Luigi off ( who is an absolute saint except for his kleptomania ) and get to see Mr Quershi by 12.30 . Don’t worry I’d phoned Pam at pop-in to say we’d be late as last orders are at 1pm.

Bought a super duper new electric toothbrush , got it home only to find it doesn’t go on the wall. So unless you have a bathroom with a shelf ( like us ) , you’re stuffed – back to Boots today .

I think Jacob needs to enlighten us with his egg wielding restaurant story – sounds much more interesting than my drivel .

One Reply to “eggs and hats”

    this give you an idea of the lay out of the estaurant I went o for my friends 21st. We had a personal japanese chef on our table and we basically sat around him and he cooked us small portions of, steak, chicken, tiger prawns, salmon, rice, tempura vegetables, sushi, spring rolls…Then he got out and egg, stood it up on the hot plate and flicked it up and caught it in his chefs hat. He invited people to come up and try this for them selves and Henri, after 2 attempts that the chef had to catch managed to do it, to the amazement of everyone. The restaurant exploded.After the meal a japanese waiter lead us down some stairs without telling us why and took us to this bar, where he’d set up kareoke for us. Henri likes to think that this wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t of caught the egg.Was a good meal.and was topped off by Huan (henris spanish lodger) singing “girls just wanna have fun” but changing “fun” with huan.

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