In the words of Olivia Newton -John ….lets get physical, or in this case technical.
When you go onto Rosie’s website , do you see the home page with the NEW photos on it ? i.e. Rosie sitting on a balcony , shes wearing a floral shorty,jumpsuity thing and shades . I know most of you are probably thinking ‘ why have they put a photo of Rachel on the website .
If you DON’T see the new photos you need to click on your refresh or F5 button.Let me know how you get on.
A big thanks to my lovely brother in law ,Bert , who has worked on this . he hopes to change the photos around , about once a month, around the 21st to mark the anniversary of Rosie’s death.
Good luck to all the Chelsea Foundation Students , who are holding their final exhibition this weekend . I bet it will look fab and hopefully not as pornagraphic as Tracey Emmins latest stuff !
The new pictures are great. She looks stunning sitting on that balcony wearing cool shades B-) I had gotten so used to the old pictures, that I was quite startled when they changed, and it made me really sad to see all those new pictures of Rosie so beautiful and happy, but also really grateful to have known her. She was very special and will live on forever, not only through her art, but in everyone who knew her, she never can or will be forgotten.