Good job I can get the sheets on the line

Life has been busy busy busy . I still struggle with doing nothing .As soon as I wake up I jump out of bed and do stuff .Stuff is good , it means I’m functioning properly – I have great friends in the washing -machine,the sink, the dishwasher , the kettle and the PC! I look at my calendar , I plan stuff ,I check on my frog spawn – I Love my pond , my 1 fish ,my big snails and my giant frogs and it is the first year I’ve had my own babies!

Plus I’ve doing nice stuff ,in lovely places with great people .

Brain gym time –

Leigh-on-Sea for lunch .

Wimbledon Common with the TCF ( 2 new members – my heart bleeds for them- but good they could come ) .

‘The Village’ – a weird game with cupids and Peeping Toms and Lovers and werewolfs – still not really sure what went on ..all I know was I was a witch ,then got murdered and then saved myself .

Deptford Market .

A 371 bus tour of south-east London ( don’t ask – it wasn’t planned and was all down to those dreaded British Rail words” engineering works on the line – go outside and get the number 371 bus ) 48 minutes later ,we jumped off and headed for North Bermondsey Station !

Fabulous David Hockney prints at the Dulwich Picture gallery .( Bday pressie from Florence )

A HUGE lunch at DPG .

Bridesmaids – the movie

Farewell to our 3 Spanish students ,then a hello to our 3 Italian students


Wiltons Music Hall tonight

Sunday brunch by the river.

Soup kitchen

all with the absolutely fantastic added-bonus that Jacob and Florence are home and doing most of it too.

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