Just had to share this with you . Woke at 6 and shot off for a swim ( then sainsburies ). In the middle of my 9th length ,I fell something odd with ‘my Left Foot'( good name for a film ? ), I felt down – my black toenail was hanging off. It reminded me of the time we went to see Victoria Wood and she told the story of when she lost her contact lens in the changing rooms of the swimming pool …she then found it , put it in to discover it was someones verruca !
Think of Jacob tomo he’s running from one continent to another , all in 15K (no not America to Africa).
Jacob – Best of luck for tomorrow . We’ll be thinking of you. x
Lorna – You are hilarious , the way your mind works!I cant stop laughing about the idea of Joan and maybe other people too, living in Ikea going about their daily domestic routines….
Rachel – have you told us [or have i not been paying attention] how the nail got blackened.