‘Now we’ve got holes in our hearts, yeah we’ve got holes in our lives
Where we’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on’
I keep singing that bloody song ….all round Kew Gardens, Richmond Park ,in the fish and chip restaurant ( even though I got the night wrong – one true friend stuck with me and we’ll be back there again in a couple of weeks -on the real night ) and I’ve considered printing song-sheets for our friends who we are eating with tonight esp cos Jane can sing and she can bang a mean tune out on the guitar ( we can just jig in the background )
It reminds me of something that song ? I’ve just watched Bad Education .I laughed so much at The scene on the top of the diving board and the burning cross ,I nearly wet myself !
Where was the song sheet? Obviously side-tracked by the cat poo episode … save it for next time – I mean the song, not the poo!
song- singular .
We could go for the whole of the Sound of Music – I fancy seeing roy in his lederhosen