At last the big day has arrived – Coach Trip is in Istanbul. 5pm tonight C4. Last night they arrived in Turkey and did The Hamman/ Chai/Apple Shisha – it so inspired me for our Turkish Delight Night,. John is building a marble heated ( massage) slab ,for the centre of our kitchen , as we speak .
Did you read Jacob’s ( weird comment – I’m his Mother and still don’t know what he’s talking about ). Well……………from offyourfacebook, Jacob has made a friend called Jacob Dwyer in NYC. The American Jacob has 9 photos on his profilethingey and photo number 9, is off one of my lovely Ealing friends. Is that spooky or just a coincidence ?
Update on Grandma – yesterday she saw the Physio , Doctor , Judy the keep fit lady and lovely Gill from Social Services . So we squeezed in lunch in the garden.
I hope Grandma is keeping the physios on thier toes, my mum (also a physio) likes the “challenging” ones, says they are far more interesting and much more fun to work with! its usually the relatives they falls out with… be careful rachel!